Why do Rattling Forks work better than the competition?
Rattling Forks are designed to be louder than any other rattling tool. This projects the sound over a much larger land area thereby increasing the chances a buck will hear the ruckus and come to the horns.
What makes Rattling Forks loud?
Our design allows each fork to be struck together with full force. The two point design is engineered to resonate sound like a tuning fork. The material used in Rattling Forks mimics the hardness of antlers, one of the hardest elements in the animal kingdom.
Do Rattling Forks sound real?
Aside from the 1000 plus deer we have rattled up that think so, yes they do. You will find Rattling Forks to be heavy, solid sounding, and loud. This is important to imitate two mature bucks going at it.
Why do Rattling Forks have just two tines?
They are ergonomic, easy to transport, and can be struck together with full force, like whacking together two clubs. By brushing the tines across each other, a multi tine effect can be created. See our How To video.
Why are deer attracted to a fight?
Two mature bucks fight until a winner is determined. This can be a tremendous battle and both animals are exhausted afterwards. This creates an opportunity for a fresh buck to move in and challenge dominance without resistance.
Why do you have different colors?
We like the florescent orange so we don’t lose them and they show up on film better. For those of you who prefer concealment, we offer the hunter green.
Where do you find all the deer you rattle up?
We currently hunt two ranches, one in Central Texas and another in West Texas. All deer on our video are free range deer. We will be expanding our scope to South Texas for the upcoming season. Stay tuned to our video channel.
Do you ever shoot the deer you rattle in?
Not on film. Our mission is to get the best video in the business. That said, we do eat roughly 300 pounds of deer meat a year.
Do you rattle out of that top drive exclusively?
90% of our film is from the top drive. Once engaged, a deer sees nothing; he just wants to locate that fight. We have rattled them to 10 feet of the truck bumper.
What are your tips for success with Rattling Forks?
Rattle on a windy day. This muffles and distorts the sound and makes it harder for deer to pinpoint the location. It also makes it much easier to set up without busting everything out of the area.
When do the deer come to the horns?
In central Texas, it starts in mid October and runs through January. In South and West Texas it starts in mid November and runs through February. Even though there is a definite peak in each region, we have successfully rattled in deer throughout the entire period.
How many deer do you rattle in?
We hunt 60-70 days per year and rattle up about 300-400 bucks. On good days, we can rattle up in excess of 20 bucks, many times up to 5 at a time.
Are you made in the USA?
Absolutely. Rattling Forks are designed, manufactured, and distributed from our headquarters in Austin, Texas.